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The PWC Radio Ministries

The Birth of a Ministry

PWC News and Events

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The Voice of Prayer Newsletter

"The Voice of Prayer Newsletter" is published each month, offering words of comfort, inspiration, and solid Bible Teaching. This newsletter is free to each person who becomes a member of our tape ministry mailing list. 

PWC Ministry Audio Tapes and Cassets

The PWC Radio Ministry offers teaching and ministry tapes each month, for the low price of .00.  This includes shipping and handling.  Become a yearly subsciber for a donation of .00, and you will receive a tape each month along with a free copy of "The Voice of Prayer Newsletter".


Tune in to!

Tune in and listen to anointed gospel music and teaching! is only a click away. You can also purchase some ad space in order to announce your church events at very, very , low prices!

Send your prayer requests to:

Evangelist Janice M. Chambers

The PWC Radio Ministries  

P.O. Box 544

Atkinson, NC  28421


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